Five Strategies for Getting Outside Your Comfort Zone

Think back to the goals you once had for yourself that suddenly vanished. Maybe you wanted to take up a new hobby but never got around to it, or perhaps you were serious about starting a business for a little while, but you never made it past...

Think back to the goals you once had for yourself that suddenly vanished. Maybe you wanted to take up a new hobby but never got around to it, or perhaps you were serious about starting a business for a little while, but you never made it past the planning stage. Now ask yourself, was it actual logistical barriers that kept you from taking the leap, or was it hesitance? 

One of the main reasons people don’t put their ideas into action is the terror barrier: the fear of failure or losing control when you step outside your comfort zone. But if your dream is to be an entrepreneur, you need to embrace the unknown if you want to be successful. Here are five strategies to get outside your comfort zone. 

  1. Find a better reason than “I should.” Decide whether something is a “good-idea goal” or if it’s important to you. If you invest in this vision, you’re more likely to stick with it – even when things get tough.

  2. Identify your barriers. Analyzing your boundaries can help you identify key barriers that are stopping you from reaching your goals. Notice where those barriers are, then come up with realistic strategies to overcome them. For example, you might be apprehensive about starting a business because you’re worried about the financial risks. Once you pinpoint that barrier, you’ll be able to come up with a business plan that’s realistic for your funds and timeline.

  3. Take it one step at a time. Change doesn’t have to mean diving into the deep end (but if that’s your style, we support you, too). If taking a massive plunge is too much for you, break down your action plan into small, manageable steps that you can take one at a time.

  4. Experience something new. The best way to grow your comfort zone is to put yourself in unfamiliar situations – literally. Taking a class, networking with new people, or entering contests will help you learn something new and expose you to new challenges.

  5. Be consistent. It’s great if you’ve conquered one of your fears, but entrepreneurs always need to be on the lookout for new challenges, new competition, and new ideas. To be successful, you need to step out and push the boundaries of your comfort zone regularly.

It takes courage to launch a startup, but you don’t have to go it alone. If you’re serious about starting a business, we can help with that. Sign up for our FREE membership program to access the resources, network, and knowledge you need to get your business idea off the ground. You’ll also receive premiere access to our new home and coworking space, The Hub and Buckwalter when we’re able to open our doors. Click here to sign up for your FREE DRCI membership today!


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