If you’re not getting enough sleep, you’re stressed or working through some personal problems, you’re simply not functioning as well as you could be.

And your business is the same.

Your strategy may be perfect, but if the execution is letting you down you need to know about it, so you can address the situation and improve the health of your business.

Our Business Health Check process has been developed to do just that

You are probably busy running your business.   But have you really thought about how your business is doing?   

Take the quiz below

Create your own user feedback survey


  • 100-90 Points: You are doing great. Sign up to be a DRCI Mentor

  • 89-80 Points: Looking better than most but still room for improvement.

  • 79-60 Points: Let’s talk about some strategies that can help

  • 60 or below: Well… We can get you on the right track

 Did you score less than 90?

Set up a brief business health checkup call with Paul